Wedding Ceremonies & Receptions

Congratulations on your wedding!

Please let me know more about your wedding for a quote.

    What is your name? (required)

    Email (required)

    Mobile (required)

    What is your budget? (required)
    $1,250 - $1,500$1,500 - $3,000$3,000 - $5,0005,000+

    How many hours would you like music for? (required)

    Is there anything else you would like me to know?
    Eg. Rehearsals, where the wedding is located, style of music

    What is the date of your wedding? (If you are not sure, this is ok, please provide an estimate)

    Please check the items you may be interested in (required)
    Grand Piano requiredKeyboard requiredA rehearsalPianist for CeremonyPianist for ReceptionPianist for Wedding DanceOriginal wedding dance song composition

    Specific song(s) you would like played
