Backing Tracks & Transposition

Full Instrumental Backing Tracks

Backing tracks with professional instruments for theatre, performances, or film.

Fee and time to create depends on a number of variables such as:

  • Number of instruments
  • If you need the music transcribed to sheet music
  • Length of the track
  • If the music is an original piece of music that you need sheet music/ a track for, or if it is a cover
Turn Around TimeFee
From 1 days to 7 days depending on number of instruments requiredfrom $1200

Backing Track – Transpositions

Fit any song to your vocal range

Suitable for musical directors, performers, TV performances, auditions, singing teachers, and singing students

Per minute of song
Turn around time: 24-72 hours
EXPRESS: Turn around time within 24 hours+$800

How does it work?

  1. MEETING: Contact me to organise a 15 min Zoom session
  2. ZOOM: We hold a 15 min Zoom session for me to determine your vocal range and voice properties
  3. SONG: Send me your song file that you need transposed to your voice
  4. RESULT: I provide the finished song that is transposed to your voice


  • I assume that you already have a singing teacher or vocal coach to help you sing to the track. Otherwise please get in touch to arrange one on one tuition session.